McKenna turns 5 months in one week. This seems like a huge deal to me. I can remember a lot about Quinn starting at 5 months. That was when she could sit up, and it was when she used to do her downward dog pose while trying to crawl to her poodle. McKenna is a bit different. She hates to be on her tummy, so even though she could probably roll over ... she chooses not to. But if I put her on her tummy she rolls to her back as soon as possible. McKenna also has no favorites. She has no favorite toys or books. She doesn't have a poodle or a paci. Maybe it is my fault. I probably helped foster Quinn's favorites early on since I had nothing else to do. Sorry, K.
Kenna also doesn't eat much solid food. At this stage with Quinn, she was moving from recreational eating to demanding food. Kenna has eaten a few times, but she doesn't seem too concerned.
However, Kenna loves to eat her clothes. She loves to suck on fabric. She makes her shirts soaking wet, and her poor fingers are so cold all the time.
As for hair: it is getting longer and thinning out all the at the same time. Easy to say this is her awkward hair stage. Maybe it be the only one she sees until at least past junior high.
We are working on breaking her of the swaddle. She took a short nap last night and one this morning swaddle free. I'm kind of sad about it. But I think it is best for her. She breaks out of the swaddle, and it wakes her up. Plus she sucks on the wrap all the time.
Still has blue eyes, and this weekend she has her first cold. Stuffy nose and a bit of a fever. Probably a little swine flu. Not worried.
She loves the computer, too. Right now she is standing next to me. I am holding her of course, and she is watching me type.
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