Saturday, March 13, 2010

New tricks

Kenna can put a blanket over my face and pull it off for peek-a-boo. She can clap with a toy in her had. She can wave with her hand side to side and open and shut. She is starting to say "hi" when she waves. She is starting to put her hands on the ground to support her, and she is reaching more.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Avery McKenna's favorites: peek-a-boo with blanket, her blanket, tim's zipper in gray jacket, waving to people, laundry baskets, Vince.

Monday, March 8, 2010

I just put kenna in her booster seat for dinner. She seemed to beam with pride when I pushed her up to the table. She barely dropped any food. 9 months baby!

Sunday, March 7, 2010


McKenna was really fussy last night before bed, and she woke up with a 101.5 fever. Her whole body was hot except for her left leg. Weird. I thought maybe her sock was cutting off her circulation. I took it off, gave her some Tylenol and put her back to bed. She ate a big breakfast (supper cakes with pear butter yogurt) and is now watching The House of the Lord movie while playing in her exersaucer. I put some lemon and lavender oils on her feet and ear lobes. Tim is sick too, but he won't allow the foot rub. I put lemon oil in his orange juice. My poor babies.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Weening and Waiting

I stopped nursing McKenna last Saturday. It had been about a week. I didn't really ween. I just stopped like I did with Quinn. I started Clomid on Feb. 27, so it just made sense to ween when the clomid was going to help me dry up. I tried not to think about it too much because it really makes me sad. I loved nursing McKenna. I've been trying to hold her more often now that she is not nursing and doesn't automatically get that special time with me. Sometimes she just needs extra attention.

She still isn't moving much, but she is really trying to communicate more. I love when she pushes my hand away when I try to do something to her or give her something. She shakes her head and pushes my hand. She knows what she wants.

She had her first drop of essential oil in a small bottle of prune juice today. She cried for a long time after that and wouldn't eat dinner. It is probably not related.

As for the waiting. I am waiting to get pregnant again, waiting for Kenna to get teeth, move, and talk, and waiting for my chest to go back to normal.

But mostly I am just proud of my Kenna. She is so nice. She love people. She is her own girl. She was a great sport about weening, and she loves corn just like her mama.

We are headed to California on Thursday, and it has never once occurred to me that the flight might be a problem. I remember flying with Quinn at 9 months. It was hard. She was starting to not want to be on the lap. She was standing in the aisle. Different kid, different story, and I like it that way.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Shelly just called to say you are scooting backwards today. Nice work, lady. You normally don't like to move. But feel free to stay little.