Thursday, January 14, 2010

7 Months

My angel is 7 months now, but I keep telling people she's 6 months because I forget. And I guess I just don't want my baby to be that old.

She sits up great now, but she cries like a crazy lady if she sees me walk out of the room. Sometimes she stops, but lots of times she does not. That's not fun, but sometimes I do love a reason to hold and cuddle her for hours. I didn't do that much with Quinn; she never really needed it. But sometimes McKenna just needs a little extra love.

The only problem these days is that she doesn't like to be fed food. SHE LIKES TO FEED HERSELF, which is crazy messy and pretty confusing. I don't know what to feed her. Half of the time I cave and just stick a handful of animal crackers right in front of her. But today Bridget suggested using one of those mesh feeders. I have never thought about those for actual food consumption. I always thought they were just for giving babies something to suck on. But I filling the mesh part with apple sauce and then squash, and I think we have a winner. She got pretty messing, but she for sure got a lot in her tummy too. Dear me. At least I have clean kid. And it is certainly not my McKenna baby.

Lately, all I want to do is stay home and hug my kids. I hope McKenna is a cuddler. Quinn cuddles. I love it. And as I said, I love to hold my McKenna. Not all the time like a crazy person, but every now and then when it is just us playing, laughing and hugging.

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