Thursday, April 8, 2010

10 Months

My angel is 10 months today. She is scooting around the front room like a gymnast. The girl just likes to have her butt on the ground. She doesn't like to stand or hang out on her hands and knees. She keeps her back really straight and her legs open in a "V" shape. Then she puts her hands on the ground and puts her whole body weight on her hands. Then she scoots forward. It seems like a lot more work than it is worth, and I think she knows that. So, she likes to sort of stay put. Today she is "crawling" all around. And she crawled to me for the first time.

Kenna's got two teeth that she got 2 weeks ago at 9 and a half months. They are the two bottom front teeth. She seems to really enjoy them. She sticks her tongue out a lot to feel the teeth on the bottom of her tongue, and she already has the hang of biting things. She eats her bananas a lot faster now. And she left little teeth marks on a toy baby bottle today.

I call Kenna my 6 month angel because until the last few days with the crawling, she has just sat on the ground and acted like a 6 month old. This is, of course, wonderful because 6 month old babies are gods gift to new moms. They are the best. They do all the fun stuff and none of the crappy stuff. Amen for a 6 month 10 month old. I love it.

McKenna is very social and loving, and I love to cuddle and squeeze her.

She still takes a bottle of formula about every 3 hours. And today for the first time she gestured to a bottle I was putting away and screamed with a "Hey, Give me that," tone of voice. I loved it. So amazing.

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