Saturday, June 19, 2010


McKenna has some favorites:

Necklaces -- She crawls around the house collecting them and putting them on. If she finds a cords ... it turns into a necklace. Real Safe...

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star -- She loves this song with all her heart. She can be screaming and this song makes her smile. When I sing a different song to her, she opens and shuts her fist to tell me she wants Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.

Baby Dolls -- When she finds a baby doll, she hugs it and rocks it and tucks it under her arm to keep crawling around the house.

Telephones -- She loves phones. She loves to "answer" the phone and then hand it to me so I can talk. If she can't find a phone, she will use anything that remotely looks like a phone.

Music -- She loves the DVD player. I put burned CD's in the player. She pushes the open button, takes then out and puts then back in. She pushes play and moves on to other toys. She also has quite the pretty head bang dance.

Cords -- See "necklaces" above.

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