Just as we celebrate the most famous swaddled babe of all, it is time for McKenna to drop her wrap and sleep without it. She loves the swaddle, but she is starting to flip herself over on to her tummy when she fights sleep, and then she gets so mad because she is stuck!!
So, I just have to admit ... its over.
We put her to bed last night with no wrap, and she did OK until about 4:30 when I wrapped her and then 6:30 when I wrapped her again. But she also has a cold that came on yesterday, so it is hard to tell there this will go.
Tim and I remembered last night that at about 7 months we started playing music for Quinn to help her fall asleep. When she was 9 months, we brought a Mormon Tabernacle Choir CD with us on our Christmas road trip for the car and for naps on the go. I think music was our saving grace for a few months.
Maybe it is time to pull out the old burned MoTab tracks for our little babe.
I wonder when Mary weened Jesus from the Swaddle.
and how?