McKenna is all about sucking and biting right now. She must be teething. She's had a few rough nights, but it is no big deal.
She loves to eat Cherrios, but she also loves to eat cardboard so that is not saying much.
Her favorite is animal crackers. She really loves them, but they make her so dirty. She sucks on them right to the point where they become gooey, and then she drops them on herself or spreads them all over her face.
I made her teething cookies that so not disintegrate. She loves them more and more everyday, but she screams when she drops it so sometimes it is not worth it.
And the floor around the highchair is covered in Cherrios because she can't use her pincher grip yet. She just gets a fist full and tries to pour them into her mouth. It is adorable ... and messy.
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