Sunday, May 2, 2010

McKenna and the big bounce

So, Kenna just flew down the stairs. I've never seen anything like it. It was horrible.

Tim, Quinn and I are really good at closing the baby gate at the top of the stairs. But this afternoon I was searching my friend's recipe blog, and Quinn was hitting me and screaming about something I had already said "no" to. "Time for a break in your room."

I took her down stairs and forgot to close the baby gate. Quinn was screaming, slamming, kicking, and being quite the problem. I was standing outside of her closed door when I heard a little sound from McKenna, and I just knew she was leaning head first over the stairs. Next thing I new I heard a few thumps. I screamed and ran as fast as I could to the stairs. Before I could get there, she flew into my sight as she bounced off the last stair. It was really horrible. She lay there for a second, and than starting crying the same way she would if I had just taken the remote control away. Nothing more. Nothing less. I picked her up. She cried for a few seconds and stopped.

Tim came running from our room when he heard me scream. He walked right passed me and Kenna and went to help Quinn. It was like an old routine or like two ships passing in the night. No one freaked out. We just surveyed the situation and went on with things.

I've said it before, and I will say it again. It always surprises me how non-dramatic the actual dramatic situations are. Think of how loud and crazy I was yesterday just typing all about how Zoloft tried to "kill" my baby. Then today I let her fall down the stairs, and we just go about our business. It always works that way with us. Like when my kids throw up, it is like a major event, but when they are in the hospital, it is like "Does the little shop next door sell ice cream?" Because what can you do? When it is major, you can't change it or fix it. You just have to survive and move on. When it is not major, you get all crazy and you have time to think, "Is this major?" Knowing is half the battle.

So, anyway, Kenna seems to be unscathed from her ride down the stairs, but I am a little worried. She's acting all normal, but I am just worried she will have bruises or pain. I would not go so far as to say I am worried about internal injuries, but I probably am. I think she is fine. But I do wonder if I should take her to the Dr. Olsen, the magic chiropractor. I think I will.

And maybe I'll cut Zoloft some slack. Ah ... perspective.

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