Sunday, May 16, 2010

Starting to Stand

At 11 1/2 months, little McKenna is starting to stand up. Emphasis on "starting." He funny scoot and now a funny spider money or gorilla walk. Her crawl changed after I took her to the chiropractor and he adjusted two spots on her back. Her feet make a lot more contact with the ground now.

And if she is in an amazing mood, she will hold our hands and stand up. But basically she hates it and is just doing it to humor us. Grandma gave her a little standing boot camp, but I do not see much improvement. But as I have said, there is no rush!! I love my baby who is a baby forever!!

Of course she stole the show during out visit to Arizona this week. Everybody loved her. She was an angel and slept great! I was so happy. She was also great in the car, but she fought sleep the whole time and got delirious. Poor thing had a wet diaper most of the trip. Sorry, baby!!

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