Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Eating and Sleeping

So, McKenna stopped sleeping through the night a few weeks ago. Not sure what happen. But it all went to pot. It caught up with me a few days later, and I have been completely exhausted ever since. Continuous sleep is a jewel, a prize. I miss it.

But last night she (and I) slept from about 10 p.m. until 4:30 a.m. Let me tell you I have never been so happy to be awake at 4:22 a.m. I knew the minute I opened my eyes that I had just got more continuous sleep than I had in weeks. Sad, but wonderful.

Just when the Mama thinks she's got this down .... oh, humility. It's good for us, I guess.

Anyway, Aunt Kristie bought up the fact that I might need to start feed Kenna solids to help her sleep through the night. Not looking forward to that. I've probably mentioned this before, but with Quinn I basically sat around and waited from March 10 (her birthday) to July 4, the first day I gave her solid food. There isn't much else to do when you've only got one.

We'll see. I am also not so sure that I want rice cereal to be her first solid. It really doesn't ahve anything in it, and that is not the kind of diet I support. I know her body needs to start small and all that, but I like to over think things and make them more complicated. For sure, though, I am not buying baby food this time around.

Again, We'll see.

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