Saturday, July 4, 2009


For the record: It has taken several days to get my Averykens back on schedule. Dear me. She has done a lot of crying. Her naps have been shorter.... oh there she goes a cryin' hold on....

Ok, I'm back. She just got all messed up at the hospital, and then Tim's parents came. So, we are working on it. I've had to let her really cry it out for a few naps. Sometimes she does more crying than napping, but after that she does great for the next several hours. That reassures me that learning to sleep is the best thing for her. If I rock her to sleep, she sleeps at most 50% of what she does if she falls asleep on her own. That is really telling.

Anyway, I just didn't want to remember it wrong, and say that she never cried. Cause.... she cries plenty. She mostly cries if she is off schedule and if she has acid reflux. I have started spliting her prevecid dosage in morning and night instead of just morning, and what helps a lot too. Man, when she has back reflux, she is really pissed. yikes.

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