Thursday, December 24, 2009

Kenna's First Sledding Adventure

Kenna mostly sat and watched as the rest of us went Sledding on Christmas eve.

But then just before it was time to go, I puter her down in the snow so I could take a quick video of Tim and Quinn coming down the hill. One minute she was crying, and the next second she was passed out asleep her nose to her knees. She didn't stir for 3 hours after this.

We laid her on a sled to walk to the car. Sweetest thing ever.

Sunday, December 20, 2009


Oops. McKenna flipped off the couch today. Ouch. Sorry, baby. I think she's fine. I hope she is. She has developed a new and screeching cry, but I don't think it is relating. She I wake up to help her at night, Tim says, half asleep, "Don't get too close. It might bite." It's that loud. :)

Friday, December 18, 2009

Wrapped in Swaddling Cloth

Just as we celebrate the most famous swaddled babe of all, it is time for McKenna to drop her wrap and sleep without it. She loves the swaddle, but she is starting to flip herself over on to her tummy when she fights sleep, and then she gets so mad because she is stuck!!

So, I just have to admit ... its over.

We put her to bed last night with no wrap, and she did OK until about 4:30 when I wrapped her and then 6:30 when I wrapped her again. But she also has a cold that came on yesterday, so it is hard to tell there this will go.

Tim and I remembered last night that at about 7 months we started playing music for Quinn to help her fall asleep. When she was 9 months, we brought a Mormon Tabernacle Choir CD with us on our Christmas road trip for the car and for naps on the go. I think music was our saving grace for a few months.

Maybe it is time to pull out the old burned MoTab tracks for our little babe.

I wonder when Mary weened Jesus from the Swaddle.

and how?

Sunday, December 13, 2009

6 Months

My cutie is 6 months!

She still looks like a china doll. She's amazing.

Her sleep patterns are a mess. Especially at night, she goes down twice. The first time I put her down every night, she screams. Then I go get her, and she giggles and plays for an hour with me and Tim on the couch. I think she uses this time to work on her abs.

Her hair is also a mess. 'Nough said about that.

But still she is the best and cutest.

And tonight she sat up by herself for the first time. Looks like she is going from her back to her butt. No tummy for this girl. Oh and she spits raspberries all day. LOUDLY. Quinn used to do a load and crazy fake cough when a room got silent. McKenna starts to spit. It rocks.

Here is the shot of her very first time sitting up.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Chomp, Chomp

McKenna is all about sucking and biting right now. She must be teething. She's had a few rough nights, but it is no big deal.

She loves to eat Cherrios, but she also loves to eat cardboard so that is not saying much.

Her favorite is animal crackers. She really loves them, but they make her so dirty. She sucks on them right to the point where they become gooey, and then she drops them on herself or spreads them all over her face.

I made her teething cookies that so not disintegrate. She loves them more and more everyday, but she screams when she drops it so sometimes it is not worth it.

And the floor around the highchair is covered in Cherrios because she can't use her pincher grip yet. She just gets a fist full and tries to pour them into her mouth. It is adorable ... and messy.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

McKenna loves music

She's not dancing in this video, but she loves to sway her head back and forth to music.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Mckenna is suddenly a way better sleep than she used to be. Long wondeful naps. It started while I was gone for 5 days without here. Maybe it's the food.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

You sat with us at Thanksgiving Dinner, and I kept puttung pieces of Orange roll in your mouth. Also you laid on your tummy for fun for the first time.

Friday, November 13, 2009

You are sitting around the table with quinn and I eating your first crackers. You hold them and suck on them and then go for it. Such cute sucking noises!!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Lost Symbol and the Missing Milk

I started buying audio books to listen to while I do my training walks for the 3 day Breast Cancer Walk. 60 miles in 3 days.

Well, the first few books were so good that I started listening while I nurse McKenna. It relaxed me and past the time.

Right now I am listening to Dan Brown's new book The Lost Symbol. I actually kind of hate the book, but I feel bad not listening to it since I paid for it. I guess it is just not a good book for listening because it had some mystery and adventure, and when you listen, you can't control how fast you read. Anyway, there is lots I do not like about the book. But so be it, I am listening anyway.

It is starting to get kind of scary and stressful, and I realized today that my milk has stopped coming for McKenna when I listen to the book. She starts crying to let me know I am all dried up!! I have to turn off the book, look at her and sing about how much I love her, and then the milk starts a flowing.

So odd.

And yet another reason to stop reading this stupid book.

Monday, November 9, 2009

First Roll: Back to Tummy

McKenna rolled from her tummy to her back a few weeks ago to get the heck off her tummy, which she hates.

She has started flipping her legs up and over but never ever getting all the way to her tummy ... on purpose, of course.

But today it happen. She rolled from her back to her tummy. Oops. At the time she was wrapped tightly in her bed. She got to her tummy and was stuck. Dear me. Poor thing cried and cried. I cuddled her for awhile, and she was fine.

So it is bitter sweet. She finally rolled over, but I think it scared her forever.
Eating your first pears mixed with rice cereal right now. Pretending you don't like it, but the bowl is almost empty.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Happy 5 months, Kenna! This feels so special to me because I feel like motherhood really came alive for me when Quinn turned 5 months. I love you so much, baby!
You've got the flu AND some serious energy. Maybe the benedryll had a reverse affect tonight. You're talking and making 180's in bed. And coughing too. So much.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Almost 5 Months

McKenna turns 5 months in one week. This seems like a huge deal to me. I can remember a lot about Quinn starting at 5 months. That was when she could sit up, and it was when she used to do her downward dog pose while trying to crawl to her poodle. McKenna is a bit different. She hates to be on her tummy, so even though she could probably roll over ... she chooses not to. But if I put her on her tummy she rolls to her back as soon as possible. McKenna also has no favorites. She has no favorite toys or books. She doesn't have a poodle or a paci. Maybe it is my fault. I probably helped foster Quinn's favorites early on since I had nothing else to do. Sorry, K.

Kenna also doesn't eat much solid food. At this stage with Quinn, she was moving from recreational eating to demanding food. Kenna has eaten a few times, but she doesn't seem too concerned.

However, Kenna loves to eat her clothes. She loves to suck on fabric. She makes her shirts soaking wet, and her poor fingers are so cold all the time.

As for hair: it is getting longer and thinning out all the at the same time. Easy to say this is her awkward hair stage. Maybe it be the only one she sees until at least past junior high.

We are working on breaking her of the swaddle. She took a short nap last night and one this morning swaddle free. I'm kind of sad about it. But I think it is best for her. She breaks out of the swaddle, and it wakes her up. Plus she sucks on the wrap all the time.

Still has blue eyes, and this weekend she has her first cold. Stuffy nose and a bit of a fever. Probably a little swine flu. Not worried.

She loves the computer, too. Right now she is standing next to me. I am holding her of course, and she is watching me type.

My Girls

Been loving hanging out with my girls. This week I was really home sick for my little ladies. I kept taking pictures of them and then then showing the pics to people all day.

Love my girls so much.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Your Daddy

Avery McKenna, I am totally in love with your daddy. I think he is amazing. We have fun together. We laugh together. And he is totally in love with you. We both agree that our life is better with you in it. Our life and our marriage. All because of you.

Pumpkins and Costumes and Christmas

Well, my dear, you were all about sleeping today while I took Quinn to pick out pumpkins. But we got one for you. (You waited in the car...) When we went to the Barnyard Boo at the Thanksgiving Point Farm. You came on a wagon ride with Quinn and me, and you were so quiet while we listened to a witch storyteller.

Quinn and I dressed you up in my Halloween costume. You are a pink skeleton. You glow in the dark. I put the costume and Quinn in the closet today so she could see it glow!

Even though you are too young to care about Halloween, having you around makes everything better. I can't wait to celebrate Christmas with you. And everyone knows that Halloween night is the first night of Christmas.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Food, Glorious, Food

Wasn't sure if I was going to jump on the food-at-4-months bandwagon with McKenna, but it is kind of fun to see those cute baby faces spitting out the food and getting all confused. So, I went for it. Didn't want to buy anything, so we started with banana. Quinn helped, and McKenna gagged.

A few days later I made homemade rice cereal, and McKenna ate more and gagged more. It's a work in process. My favorite part of the process is watching Quinn feed McKenna. She is great at it.

Today McKenna seemed to be trying to hide her rice cereal in her bib when I wasn't looking. Looks like I have my worked cut out for me ... or Quinn does.

Homemade Baby Rice Cereal

Cook any kind of rice at a 3:1 ratio. If you are cooking 1 cup of raw rice, add 3 cups of water. If it is brown size, add at least 3 1/2 cups of water for one cup of rice.

Put a few spoonfuls of rice into a magic bullet, blender or chopper. Add water until the mix is the right consistency for your baby's development. Add formula powder to fortify the cereal.

Monday, October 19, 2009

4 Months and Counting

So, I think we are back to sleeping through the night. Amen. I feel better already.

McKenna rolled over (once) for the first time. Tummy to back, of course, because she was so pissed when I put her on her tummy. But she seemed pretty happy to be on her back and not go anywhere.

She is also POOPING EVERYWHERE!!! A few outfits a day. Not sure what changed, but something did for sure.

And then last night we finally OFFICIALLY fed her some solid food. I went with pureed bananas. They made her gag, but she seemed happy. When i got sick of sitting and spoon feeding, Quinn took over and did great. We'll see what happens next.

McKenna's also starting to get distracted when she nurses. She pulls her head away when I drink water or when Quinn joins the party. What a crazy lady.

Tim is worried she might be anti-bottle again since we just took her to LA for 7 days with no bottle. We'll see.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Eating and Sleeping

So, McKenna stopped sleeping through the night a few weeks ago. Not sure what happen. But it all went to pot. It caught up with me a few days later, and I have been completely exhausted ever since. Continuous sleep is a jewel, a prize. I miss it.

But last night she (and I) slept from about 10 p.m. until 4:30 a.m. Let me tell you I have never been so happy to be awake at 4:22 a.m. I knew the minute I opened my eyes that I had just got more continuous sleep than I had in weeks. Sad, but wonderful.

Just when the Mama thinks she's got this down .... oh, humility. It's good for us, I guess.

Anyway, Aunt Kristie bought up the fact that I might need to start feed Kenna solids to help her sleep through the night. Not looking forward to that. I've probably mentioned this before, but with Quinn I basically sat around and waited from March 10 (her birthday) to July 4, the first day I gave her solid food. There isn't much else to do when you've only got one.

We'll see. I am also not so sure that I want rice cereal to be her first solid. It really doesn't ahve anything in it, and that is not the kind of diet I support. I know her body needs to start small and all that, but I like to over think things and make them more complicated. For sure, though, I am not buying baby food this time around.

Again, We'll see.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Seems like you spend a lot of time working on your abs. You never lay your head down anymore. You're in a constant ab crunch. Someone is ready to sit up soon.
You got a lot louder today!! You've got some serious lungs. Hurts my ears. John Mayer helps in the car a little. But wow that's loud.

Matchy Matchy Picture Day and A Hat

I happened to have two of the same cute Old Navy shirt, and I they magically both fit the girls right now by a hair. To say the least, Quinn was beside herself with excitement to be matchy, matchy with McKenna. In fact, after I changed McKenna into a different but accidently similar outfit, Quinn thought they were still matchy matchy and would not change her own clothes for another 24 hours.

Anyway, here are the pics we took on matchy, matchy Wednesday and pictures of McKenna in a hat. It turns out she is about the most beautiful baby ever ESPECIALLY in a hat. Who knew? Didn't think she could get much cuter. But she did. Much love to all.

Friday, October 2, 2009

First Food

McKenna's official first food was mashed potatoes at Sarah Gillespie's wedding luncheon. It came to Tim and I at the same moment, and we went for it. She seemed to like it. No pictures. It is amazing how much less you care about a first bite of food with baby number 2 when you have so much else to do. Basically, with your first you just sit around for 4 months and wait until the doctor gives you the thumbs up to feed it. :)

Sometimes I give McKenna a mushy bite of Total cereal.

Not sure when we'll start "real" foods on a regular basis. I am in no hurry. At this age Quinn was yelling at us when we ate without sharing. McKenna doesn't seem to mind too much.

Toys and Poops

Just as I was opening this post to write, I looked at Mckenna who is sitting on the couch next to me leaning against a pillow like she is in this picture. I saw her look at a toy that was sitting on her leg and, just like that, she picked it up and put it in her mouth. What a smarty pants. She is growing so fast. And also pooping so fast. She has not been one to blow out of a diaper, but yesterday she ruined 3 onesies, and only time and laundry will tell if the outfits survived. I call these 20 minute blowouts because that is about how much time it takes me to clean her up and try to save the clothes.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Sucking on her dress

Today was one of those days that McKenna seemed to come alive. I kept noticing that her dress was wet, and I thought it was because she spit up. Turns out she was, in fact, prone to spitting up today (which almost never happens), but several times today at Sarah's wedding luncheon and reception I would look down at McKenna and see that she had her dress in her mouth. She learned to pick it up and put it in her mouth. She was soaking wet all day. Dear me, but I loved it because she just felt so real and old and bright and special and mine.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Getting Bigger

I guess it is stating the obvious to say that McKenna is getting bigger. But it really hit me today when just a few hours after having a conversation in the mothers' room at church about how small her is, I got home and put her in a new shirt from Old Navy -- 6-12 months and fitting fine! I know Old Navy runs small, but please! McKenna is very tall. If I were a good mother, I could tell you exactly how tall because I would be taking her to her well baby check ups ... which I sometimes do not do. But fear not, her four month check up is scheduled and ready for mid October.

McKenna has started to sit in the bumbo chair and little and watch me cook. It is nice to have her around, and I think she feels the same about me. She still loves her gymini, and inspite of my indications on this blog that I would get out with exersaucer, I forgot. Maybe in a few weeks.

Now, for the future, I must say clearly that McKenna is not nearly on the routine we would like. According to Baby Wise, she should be eating every 4 hours or so. We spend several cycles a day eating every 2 hours. It is not a huge deal or I would do something about it. She sleeps through the night ... sometimes. What it comes down to is that I just am too tired to make her cry it out at night and too busy to let her cry it out during the day. Not sure how I feel about this, but all seems to be going just fine.

But McKenna and I have a special bond. Tim thinks she is a little bit of a mama's girl. He says she is just not quite as happy when I am now around. I think that is cute, but it could mean trouble in the worlds to come.

Anyway, 6-12 month shirt today and 3-6 month pants. A bracelet. And dark hair. And mostly a smile to go along with it. What a babe!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

We just went to Jonny's wedding dinner. Aunt Beth LOVED you. She held you tight and thought you look like me. And Grandpa E couldn't wait to take your picture.
You've started to cry when I don't pay you enough attention. So sometimes I occupy you with toys. But sometimes you just need some good ol' mommy and me time!!
I took you to a chiropractor last week because you were always tilting your head only to the right. He fixed it a bit, and now we stretch it everyday. All good.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

3 Months

My little lady is 3 months. Dear me. That went fast ... and slow.

Right now she is laying next to me on the couch. She was in her Gymini, which she normally loves, but she got fussy. So now she is laying here, and I can hear her sucking on her fingers and thumbs. She's looking out the window. She's got one hand in her mouth now and one on her head touching her hair.

She spends most of her awake time in the gymini, but it just occurred to me in this very moment that I can get out the exersauser. I think Quinn started with that at 3 months just before we went to Arizona. Sometimes I put her in the bumbo chair, but I don't do it very often because I feel like it requires a lot of super vision. To be honest I don't give McKenna tons of that, but I try. We sing together every day, and I love nursing her. Sometimes I take her on walks to the mailbox.

She's wearing 3 to 6 month clothes now. One Old Navy outfit with stripes is almost a little short in the legs. She seems to have a long torso. Her hair is still long and dark, but a friend pointed out the other day that some highlights are growing in. She's starting to lose some hair in a strip from ear to ear along the back of her head. It's probably from ALWAYS laying down. One more reason to pull out the exersauser.

She still loves to be swaddled. We are trying to ween her of that, but she puts up quite the cry if we lay her in her crib without a tight wrap. She's not quite making it through her entire 3 hour cycle. During most of the day it is more like 2 and a half hours. But it does not bother me since she sleeps from 10 p.m. to 5 or 6 a.m. most nights. And I don't mind nursing her more often in the day because it is the one time I get to drop everything and just be Avery McKenna's mama.

At this age, we had Quinn sleeping on her side, holding her poodle. Doesn't seem to be McKenna's thing yet. I've tried out a few stuffed animals on her, and she does not seem all that interested. She loves attention, and I think in the last week she has started to cry when she is lonely or needs some love. Quinn never did this, and Quinn never actually slept through the night for over a year. (but I didn't mind because she just ate and went straight back to sleep in the night.)

McKenna giggles when you play this her. She seems to like to be tickled on her neck or chest. When she is playing in her gymini, she grabs and kicks the toys, and she loves to put her legs up in the air and swing them to her right side. I think she is trying to flip over. Just this week, I put her on her belly for a few minutes, and she did not cry. That was a first. Sometimes she'll catch my eyes when she is on the floor and I am all the way in the kitchen. She smiles brightly. She can see far.

She mostly loves the car still, but she does not fall asleep as fast as she used to. And she is kind of a stinker on a walk. She does not love the stroller and will sometimes cry for half of 2 miles.

Her fingers and toes get cold, so I always put her in bunny slippers.

She still rarely spits up, but she is starting to poop more and stain her clothes every few days. Yikes!!

She talks and coos a lot more now especially when she is all alone. Sometimes I run to get her when I hear her, but when I get there, she is happy and just talking to herself or to the duck hanging on her gymini. And mostly if you I talk to her, she'll talk back. Sweetly and nicely.

We've taken her on a few family picnics in the backyard, and she does not seem as anti-outside as she once did. But in general, I get the vibe that she will follow my lead with likes and dislikes, and if nothing else, she will have more particular tastes than Quinn does. Tim says that when she is flowing a fit in her bed, she hits this point of no return and makes this sad, sad noise. He says I do it too. It is my grunt and my wince when I am sad or at my end. He says the noises are the same. He loves it.

Kenna still only drinks a few oz from a bottle, but she does not seem to get too hungry when I am gone. And I should still be giving her the Acid-Reflux medicine at least twice a day, but I am trying to ween her because it is so expensive. I think this is a horrible idea. I'm pretty sure she still needs it.

We missed her 2 month check up. Oops. It will all come out in the wash.

But to sum things up. I love McKenna very much. I feel a deep love for her and a completeness in her presence that I have never felt before. I feel guilt when we are not together or when I do not pay attention to her, but I try to just roll with it and give her everything I can when I can.

Quinn is in love with McKenna too and is very concerned if we leave home without her to go somewhere just the two of us. She gives her hugs and kisses a lot, but is not all up in her face like some kids. However, once this weekend, Quinn picked up McKenna and dropped her gently on her head. Sisterhood is a gift in the end. Sorry, McKenna :)

Sunday, August 23, 2009

A crazy day and the good life

So, McKenna, you may not have been the star of the last few days, but you were sure along for the ride. Someday you"ll have your own crazy life, and I am sure you'll be able to relate.

It started during the week when I knew I needed a sitter for you and Quinn from 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. on Saturday. Dear me that is a long time. You guys started daycare with Shelly on Friday, so it was already breaking my heart a bit to leave you again, and then to make matters worse, I just couldn't get enough sitters. I split you guys up and got sitters in shifts, but it still did not cover the day.

I was headed to Cassie Westover's (Hammer) wedding. The sealing was at 9:40 a.m., the luncheon at 1 p.m. and the reception at 6 p.m. all in Salt Lake. I really wanted to go to everything, but it was mostly no kids allowed. It got sticky in the end.

I dropped you off at Melissa's house at 8:30 a.m. (Quinn had a sitter at home). It was a fast drop because I was running late. Then there was a road closer in town that slowed me down. I was sure I was going to be late for the wedding. I hauled butt, parked illegally, ended up with a $30 ticket but made it to the wedding in time.

It was beautiful. I am very in love with your dad, and I enjoyed the time in the sealing room to reflect on how grateful I am. In the past, there has been sealings where I was not so delighted with my current state of life and love. But this time, the stars where aligned. They are aligned. Ups and downs are part of life.

It was hot for pictures outside the temple. I had arm pit sweat rings. Not cool. I eventually headed to my car to find the ticket, got a legal parking spot, and then headed into the Joseph Smith Memorial Building to pump milk since you were far away. You were at Melissa's barely taking a bottle, you little bugger.

Lunch was yummy, and I loved talking to Austin and Mana all about their wedding that I missed. But the whole time I was still trying to figure out what to do with you girls for the night. I had planned to skip the reception since I never found a nighttime sitter, but everyone made that sound like a horrible thing to do. I got the vibe that it was fine to bring you guys to the party if the alternative meant not coming.

So, the plans changed fast. I headed to Alpine, picked you up, and headed home. I found you a black velvet formal dress that was too short, but still cute. I found myself my only formal option. Lots of black AND pantyhose. I was still sweating from the morning, so this was not cool. And I was wearing heels, which was even less cool. But I had to have us all looking perfect because I already felt like I was breaking a formal event rule by bring you guys, and I didn't want to add "cheesy morning church clothes at a formal event" to the list of major faux pas I was making. I also grabbed a few formal dress options for Quinn and then headed to Aunt Sue's to pick her up and get her ready.

I was not in the car 2 minutes before I wanted to die. I was so hot and so uncomfortable, and Sue called to say that Quinn had really bad diarrhea. I looked at the short stack of Quinn's Pull Ups next to me, and although my heart told me to go home, change and get more Pull Ups, I just kept driving.

We got there early. I was still hot. The Valet guys were really nice as I unloaded you and a ton of entertainment options for Quinn. I loaded up the stroller and then dragged it up 20 stairs. The minute I got inside, I knew that this party was NOT kid friendly. It was a three story old house, and the party was on ALL three levels. No elevator. I started to ask a guy who looked in charge if there was a place to set up camp for the kids, and he cut me off before I finished to tell me that there was no place for my stroller. He was a big jerk. I got all paranoid. I decided to regroup at the car and leave the stroller in the Jeep.

But when the nice Valet guys went to get the car, it died!!!

No joke the car died at the party. Honestly, if I had had a car, I probably would have loaded you guys back up and gone home before it even started. But we were stuck. (And in the end, I am SOO glad we were.)

So hot, so tired, and Quinn just wanted to hang out with a new family she had met inside. I let her while I figured it out. Daddy was working on calling a tow truck, and I was trying to not freak out AND find the time and space to feed you.

Things got worse as more people showed up. It got crazy crowded. I had no help. Quinn was all over, you cried, and I had to hold on to my phone so I could feel when the tow people called. I missed their calls anyway. When I finally got to the front of a food line, Quinn screamed that she had to go poo-poo. We left you with someone, got out of line, and ran upstairs to take care of business, which had of course already been taken care of in her Pull up. One down.

Eventually, we decided the car was out of gas. Daddy came and filled it, and it work. We thought the problem was solved, and the party was just getting good. Daddy headed home, and I kept you guys to dance and play a little before going home. Quinn had a blast dancing at the party. For about 45 minutes, the last 2 hours or torture had seemed worth it. Eventually I dragged Quinn downstairs so we could leave before you'd have to eat again.

But the car died again. For real.

We headed back upstairs. I was all sweaty all over again, and then, of course, you had to eat. When I called Daddy, he about flipped out. He was only a few minutes from home by then. He was really mad. But of course he turned around and headed back to Salt Lake to get us.

When he pulled up, I about fell into the car I was so tired and so done. My whole body hurt from our adventure. Then daddy looked at me with a guilty expression and said, "I booked us a room at the Grand America."

Dear me. I always bug him to take me there. It is really expensive. We made a deal that we would go as long as we never talked about how much it cost. He said he just didn't have the heart to drive all the way home.

Knowing we were going to the hotel made it easier to deal with all the towing stuff. But it was also stressful because I knew that I didn't have shoes except my heels, and no clothes except a formal dress.

We ended up in a big suite with plenty of room so that I did not have to hear you snoring or moving around in the night. Daddy and I got room service, and then we called it a night. You were great all night, angel.

In the morning we played, and then headed to brunch at the hotel. I wore a formal dress and flip flops that I bought at the hotel. The brunch is famous as a local favorite, and now we know why. SOO GOOD. and SOO expensive. But remember.... no talk about money.

The car wasn't ready once we left Salt Lake, of course. We headed home, took naps and then packed up the car to head to a concert in the park in Lehi. Daddy's friend Brandon was playing with his country band.

We danced like crazy, and had a great time. You stayed awake for most of it, and seemed to like it. Normally you freak out when it is windy, but you were very relaxed in spite of the breeze tonight, and when we got home you laughed for me a bunch.

So, it was a long and crazy 28 hours. But it had all the charms of a good life. A celebration, some drama, spontaneity, tears, love, food, family, music, a fast shoe purchase in a hotel, a fit from a 2 year old, a sleeping baby during brunch, a free newspaper on the door step, a bubble bath, a fulfilled fantasy, good wedding cake, dancing and more dancing, laughter and Valet parking.

The Same but Different

So I am the worst at printing and especially framing new pictures of my kids and family. Evidence of this is that one of the only pictures of Quinn in our house is a picture of her at 11 weeks. It is a 4 x 6 on our piano. Because it has been up for so long it is sort of the standard Quinn baby picture. Well, here is that picture AND an oddly similiar one that we got of McKenna this weekend. You decide:

Family resemblance or identical twins?

Quinn at 11 Weeks

McKenna at 10 weeks

Need a second look?

McKenna at 10 Weeks

We got some great pictures of McKenna last week while visiting in California. As usual my mom took the pictures, but I did pick up her camera a few times and got a few really great shots. Man, her camera is heavy!! I think I am still sore!

Here are some of the best shots. I have printed a lot of these and put them up around the house. This is surely a milestone because I never put up new pictures. A majority of the pictures of Quinn in our house are of her at 11 weeks old. So it is possible that no matter what McKenna looks like later, these will be the picks that last forever.

One of the these 10 weeks shots is almost identical to an 11 week shot of Quinn. I'll blog those side by side later!

Friday, August 21, 2009

McKenna enjoys an ever-so-light bite on the footie. Oh, and she doesn't really like to be ignored.
Just dropped McKenna off at her first time at daycare with our nanny, Shelly. She had a huge feeding and then was all smiles when I left! Love you, baby!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

We are in the airport and McKenna just grabbed a toy for the very first time. It is a row of rings hanging from her caer seat. It is the same set of rings as Q.

Monday, August 10, 2009

2 months

Dear me, my angel is two months, and I have no pictures to show for it.

I do have a lot of love though. I love that she had hold up her head for me now. It makes it so much easier to bond with her.

She loves the mobile above the changing table as did Quinn. She can lay their and stare at it for a long time. Sometimes I forget where she is ... don't tell.

She loves to be warm, and she sleeps longer and better if she is sweating, I swear. So I put winter PJ's on her and wrap her up tightly. If she gets a finger out of her swaddle, she freaks out. And she cries ever louder if her little hand gets cold. So again, I bundle her up good so I can get a good nights sleep.

I have a theory that she does not like breezes. I don't really like breezes either, so maybe I am just projecting my own likes and dislikes on to her. That is totally possible.

She seems to love Quinn, and she does not mind if Quinn puts her stinky dog-dog on her tummy ot head. The other day Quinn put a baby doll that was about McKenna's size on top of her while she played on the floor. McKenna didn't seem to mind, and Quinn was delighted by her act of service. She'll grip things if you put them right in her hand. She lead my hand for a long time last night at mike and sue's house. I was laying on the floor with her. It was nice and relaxing.

I have my most relaxing parts of the day with my McKenna if I let myself. Sometimes I am distracted my T.V. or breadmaking. But if I just let myself sit with my Kenna, I feel wonderful. It's like prayer ... if you do it, it really comes back to you and feels wonderful.

Kenna has gone to Daycare at the gym two times this week, and both times she slept the whole time, which meant that I got to enjoy a whole hour of yoga. Now that is a baby worth praising and loving!! Happy 2 months, baby!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Bottle Blues and Smiles

Post from Owner of the Band:

We almost had a MAJOR crisis on our hands here this week.

The first time I gave McKenna a bottle, she took it. I fed her an ounce and then said, "All right. We got it." I nursed her and put her to bed.

A few weeks later I left her with a friend for my root canal. My friend Lizza gave McKenna a bottle and told me that she only drank about an ounce (very half heartedly) and then didn't want any more.

So I tested the bottle a few more times, and it turns out ... SHE HATES IT! One time when I tried to give her soy formula, I swear there was actually MORE in the bottle everytime I checked the measures on the side to see how much she had eated. Aunt Sue was there. She'll tell you the milk was multiplying.

So I have been pumping my milk and testing the bottle more and more in hopes that she'll take more than half an ounce. I have to start working in about a week, and so I do not really have a choice. She has to work this out. I have to work this out. This had to get worked out! Dear me.

She has never even swallowed one sip of formula until this week. She took about half an ounce of Imfamil which was a step forward. But mostly she wants breast milk, so here I am feeling like a dairy farm all day long.

I have tried a lot of bottle feeding methods and nothing worked. But whenever I got on the Internet to search for more ideas, I started to cry. WHAT? I know. I don't really know what was going on. I wasn't really all that upset, but reading about other women facing this struggle while they too are preparing to go back to work just made me start crying every time.

So I did what any classic American girl would do. I call my sister and my girlfriend and I asked them to do the research for me and tell me what to do. I talked it out with Bridget, and then Kristie called with a list of ideas. We put a game plan together with a new perspective and BHAM! 3 Ounces!!!!

I woke her from a nap, so she would be drousy and submissive, and I laied her on her side like I do when she nurses. She went to town on the bottle, and she even fell asleep for a little bit like she does when she nurses.

It really does make sense. She hates to sleep on her back unless she is tightly swaddled. When she nurses, she relaxes almsot to the point of sleep. I always try to keep her awake, but there is an element of comfort for her in the process. I don't think she could get to that state on her back in a tradiational bottle feeding position. So when I would give her the bottle, she would drink because she was starving, and when she wasn't starving anymore, she would just stop and smile at me. So for the next little while, I will bottle feed her on her side or swaddle her.

I am so grateful that we have made some progress!!

Thanks, Bridget. Thanks, Kristie.

Thanks, Kenna-Benna.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Chin Up!

I had such a special moment with McKenna on the airplane this week.

I was sitting in the aisle seat holding McKenna on my lap. She was facing me, and suddenly she held her head up for the first time. I could tell that all the people around me were watching us. I got this overwhelming sence of pride and excitement for my little one. I turned around and said to the people staring at us, "She's holding up her head for the very first time." Everyone smiled and kept watching the exciting moment.

It was as if McKenna had been born again for me. A little real person right there in my lap. I loving being McKenna's mother.

Silly Girl Says NO THANKS to bottles

So I just can't get McKenna to take a full bottle. I am going to have to keep desperate measures ...

Yesterday I tried a new formula that I think she likes, but she still won't drink it. She started sucking and swallowing for about 2 minutes, and then she stopped and looked at me and smile as if to say, "Silly Mommy. I'm not going to drink that crap. He He."

She did this multiple times before she finally drank about an oz.

A few minutes later I breast fed her, and she took the whole kit and caboddle. Crazy Lady.

So I am going to have to make her do it. Next Tuesday I am just going to feed her bottles all day. It might be a crazy, but I think it will help.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

7 Weeks

McKenna, like all 7 week olds, is in that awkward baby stage where her hair is kind of falling out, and she just kind of flails her arms and legs all day.

She sleeps between 5 and 7 hours at night, which is wonderful, and these long stretches of sleep are always the beginning of the night. LOVE IT!

She is not a huge fan of her passey. She only takes it if she is really upset and probably a little hungry. But the minute she is calm, she spits it out.

I have tried a few times to have her sleep on her tummy or side because her startle reflex on her back is really intense and she wakes herself up even when she is swaddled. It has not worked. I am worried she might be a light sleeper. Dear me. But she sleeps a ton, so I should not complain.

A few times during our time in Arizona, McKenna got all crazy at night and wanted to eat like every hour and never seemed to get settled. Not sure what was going on, but one night I ended up staying up with her way late. So that night she got to spent a lot of extra time with her Grandma and Grandpa who were probably delighted that she was not in bed yet. Maybe she knew they needed that time and just wanted to oblidge them. What a doll, right?

Sad to say I am pretty sure that she hair is receeding, or in th words of a Californian, "Her tide is going out!" I used to sweep her hair to the side, and now I brush it forward so she wont look like a Neaderthal. Someone on this trip suggested: Headbands!

She seems to have a passion for ceiling fans just like Quinn did at about 3 months and still. Quinn heard me telling McKenna, "Here, baby. I'll put you on floor so you can see your fan." Quinn started flipping out and then I realized she wanted me to come she her fan, which was on the ceiling in the room where she sleeps at Grandmas. She has a lot to say about it. I bet McKenna will too some day.

Yesterday, Aunt Katie was holding McKenna and she found a generous amout of toe jam. She did the honors and cleaned in between each nasty toe. What a great Aunt! Right?

And then also yesterday, Katie and I put McKenna in her first bathing suit. It is a blue one that Grandma bought her. I was worried about taking McKenna out into the 118 degre weather, but Grandma went for it and seemed to have a great time with McKenna in the pool. Then, like always, it was time for a nap.

We are still in Arizona until tonight, and I only have about 2 diapers left. It will be an interesting flight. I am also out of wipes!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Party Pooper

In case it was unclear to anyone: If your baby is sleeping in her car seat, and her poop still manages to make a puddle on the floor -- you are in big trouble!

If it is your first baby, you'll freak out!

But if is your second, you'll just laugh and a mom who also has a toddler and a new baby will help you clean up the mess.

Cleaning will go quickly with too experts at work on it, but it will be more difficult if your 2 year old suddenly becomes scared of the birthday party she's is at and holds on to your leg while you are walking said leaking baby to the ladies' room.

Changing will go smoothly, but unless you brought an extra party dress in your diaper bag, you'll have to take a deep breath of surrender and just put said baby in an old (but clean) Onesie.

Oh, and while you are changing baby and comforting toddler, make Grandpa clean the floor!

Friday, July 17, 2009

About 6 Weeks

McKenna is almost 6 weeks old. I am crazy in love with her. She is alert a lot more now. I love when she finishes nursing and then just stares up at me. LOVE IT! And as always, I love dressing her up in fun clothes. Susan Westover gave her this cute onesie outfit with ruffles on the butt and tummy. I freaked out that it already fits. (Babies R US brand 3 to 6 months) I was so excited. She is going to wear it to Calli's birthday party on Sunday. A little embarrassed to say that I spent at least an hour picking out McKenna's clothes for our trip to California and Arizona. That's right. McKenna is about to take her first flight! I'm considering saving $45 by not checking bags. It is going to be a wild ride!!

She hates bottles right now, so we have to work on that. Formula is not cutting it, so it is back to breast milk.

Her hair seems to all be in tack, but I think she is thinning a little on the left side where her part is.

It is fun to see her in cute summer clothes with her little leggies hanging out. Quinn was always in winter clothes and pants at this age. Even in our cold house and all swaddled, McKenna always wakes up sweating like a pig.

July 12 through July 17

So, McKenna, here is what we did this week of your life.

July 12 -- We hit all three hours of church today. You wore that cute dress with apples on it. People were goo-goo for you. Ammie held you during Relief Society. You got a little fussy, so I took you back and wrapped you up. You love a swaddle. I get text in the morning that Aunt Annie's water broke and that she was in labor with Vince. Vince joined the family ranks just before midnight! Welcome Vince.

July 13 -- I took you to the Dino museum at Thanksgiving Point with Ammie and friends. You were an angel and slept most of the time. I fed you at the end of the museum, and we headed to lunch. Quinn got all covered in bubble gum ice cream. Later you came with me to the dentist to find out I needed a root canal. Then you and I went to Melissa's so I could feed you. You were so fun. You ate and then stayed awake for awhile. You layed next to me kicking my thigh. And when you fussed, I wrapped you up and you fell asleep. I was proud to show my friend what a good baby you are. But I think I spoke to soon because you didn't do that routine again for several days!! oops!

July 14 -- Root Canal Day!! You stayed at Lizza's while I went to get my root canal. You didn't want to sleep there. But then you finally fell asleep, it was time to eat. Lizza let you sleep longer beofre waking you up to give you a bottle. You were not interested, ate an oz. and went back to sleep. I nursed you when I got back.

July 15 -- You came with me to my 6 week check up with the midwives. I nursed you in the waiting room AND during my exam. That was kind of funny, but you do what you have to do. Right?

July 16 -- You and I woke up early and had some nice time together. I think it helps your daily schedule if you wake up around 7 a.m. I can do that ... I guess! While you were up and everyone else was asleep. I played doll with you and dressed you up, trying different outfits on for size as i packed for California. In the evening after we all went to the Dino Museum with Daddy, I tried to give you a formula bottle. You were not having it. No thanks, you said. I guess I'll have to try a few more breast milk bottles before me cruise into formula. Aunt Sue and I laughed because the more I tried to give you the bottle, the more milk seemed to be in that darn bottle. You barely took any, and what you did take, you spit out.

July 17 -- Another early morning together. I could get used to this. You smiled at me big time today. I can't wait for you to hold your head up ... at least just a little. :)

Monday, July 13, 2009

New Counsin

McKenna has a new cousin. I would have loved to have a cool boy cousin my age when I was growing up. The closest one was two years younger than me, and I only saw him one day a year. All the others were much older. (However, I do have one second cousin that I had a huge crush on growing up, but we never hung out.)

So, lucky McKenna! Last night McKenna's cousin, Vincent John MacAllister, was born. Now, of course, she will have Drake and Dax, who are pretty close to her age, but Vinnie is the real deal same age. Only 5 weeks apart. So fun. I hope they are great friends.

I am so excited for my brother and his wife. So cool to have their first little angel. Congratulations!!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

New Deal

Tim and I made a new deal today.

He was acting all funny when McKenna was being a little fussy. He wanted me to take her, but I saw no reason for that. Anyway, we had a chat, and it turns out, Tim is not so comfortable with babies until they are about 3 months. He's willing to be in charge of Quinn and do whatever else if I take care of the McKenna details for the next few weeks.


We've been doing it this way anyway, but it is nice to have it said out loud because I was feeling guilty every now and then that the work load was not even. Don't tell, but sitting in a rocking chair and nursing a baby in actually quite relaxing (if a 2 year old is not climbing on you.) And a little sweat.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Days Go By: July 4 through July 11

July 4 -- You are feeling better after being a crazy lady who cries with acid reflux all the time. We headed to Lindsays for a few minutes. All I had time to do there was feed you. Then it was over Mike and Sue's house for a fourth of July. Your wore no special red, white and blue dress because the two I had were too big for you. Instead you spent most of the event bundled and asleep on Rachel's bed. It was cool and dark in there, and you loved it.

July 5 -- Blessing Day. You were the star of the show ... but still very sleepy. I couldn't find the baby blessing blanket. Better find it for #3 ... someday.

July 6 -- I left you at Melissa's for a few hours so I could go to the dentist. Then later we headed back to Sue and Mike's for more family fun.

July 7 -- It was a day to stay home and watch TV. We went on a short walk. You cried a little. And then you cried off and on during the Michael Jackson memorial. You much have been sad ... and off schedule. Every now and then you need to eat every two hours during the day. No big deal. I just need to remember that is part of the plan.

July 8 -- You were a rock star for me when I took you and Quinn to meet Bridget at the Bean Museum at BYU. I fed you in the toy room there. You stayed awake for a little awhile and then feel asleep on the walk to the MOA for lunch. By the time we were getting in the car, you were scream. But you LOVE THE CAR. The minute we started moving, you were out like a light.

July 9 -- The Westovers fell in love with you when I took you to the SLC house for Clinton's 23rd birthday. Susan gave you the cutest outfits. We love some ruffles on the bum. Can't wait until you are a little bigger. I forgot your reflux medicine ... oops. So we sort of had to leave in a hurry.

July 10 -- You were SOOOO sleepy today. I could barely wake you up to feed you. I told a few people that, and they said, "So it will be a long night?" Nope. You were a rock star at night too. Before that we spent the evening at Lindsay's, and we switched babies for a little bit. She was in love with you. You had a hair clip in, and she never minded redueing your hair ... cause she has all boys.

July 11 -- Lazy day at home. You and I hung out in my bed for a bit this morning. You are a doll. I have started passing toys over your head to watch you follow them. It is so cool. I think you are a big smiler. When I look at you now, I seem so familar. You fit right in. You didn't have to cry for any naps today. I just put you in your bed, and to sleep you went. Nice work, angel baby!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

1 Month Old

Yesterday you turned 1 month old. Daddy was the one to point it out and later I heard him singing "Happy Birthday" to you while rocking you in your room. You were all smiles for him yesterday, and he was so excited. He kept calling me in to see your grins. Quinn thought it was cool too. We went on a family outing in the evening, and since we forgot a stroller, I just got to hold you the whole time. We were outside at the Children's Discovery Gardens. You seemed to enjoy being outside. You didn't fuss or sleep; you just soaked it all in.

You spit up ... for real ... for the first time yesterday. I had to finally get out a burp cloth from the cupboard. I hope it is not a habit because so far I have really liked how clean you are!

We give you medicine for your acid reflux 2 times a day, just a quarter of a pill. It helps a ton.

You eat about 7 times a day. Every 3 hours with a longer stretch at night. It is great.

You mostly wear Quinn's old clothes, but I have a weakness for buying you stuff that is all your own. Shhh!

You loved to be wrapped up. And the minute you get an arm free, you start to cry. I just rewrap you, and put you back in your bed.

We love having you around!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

McKenna's Baby Blessing

McKenna with her Grandma Jan. We are so happy she could be there for the special day.

McKenna all beautiful, dressed and ready to head to church for her first Sunday in the Alpine 7th ward. We snuck her to church two weeks ago for Baby Benny's blessing. We couldn't miss that!

We decided to bless McKenna in church last Sunday because Tim's mom could be there. She had to miss Quinn's blessing, and we didn't want to do that again. So, even though our nugget is really young, we went for it.

A baby blessing is an LDS tradition where a man, usually the father, takes the infant in front of the congregation and uses the laying on of hands to give the baby blessing (usually its first blessing) and to declare what name the child will be known by in life and on the records of the church. We don't baptise children until they are 8 years old, which is considered the age of accountability, so a blessing is a way to make the child a part of the congregation without a baptism.

It's a simple but beautiful event. It is a really neat bonding experience for the daddy's, I suppose. At least I know it is for my husband. I get all the credit and the gifts and the praise about our new babies, but the blessing day is sort of about the father's role in the child's life. It is also a time to gather togther all the men in the baby's life that will be examples in the church for them. All the men stand in a circle with their hands holding the baby, and together they use the priesthood power to give the blessing. Very cool.

Our circle got smaller this time around, but the love was just as strong as we have grown to love those special men in our life even more since 2 years ago.

McKenna wore a very old dress. It has been worn at least 3 times now and maybe 4. I wore it when I was baptised as a catholic as a baby, and now both my girls have worn it for their baby blessing. My sister may have worn it too for her baptism, but I am not sure about that. It is getting old and yellow, but it means a lot to me. I just accent the outfit with off white accesories, and I don't even notice the fading white.

At church with us on Sunday morning we had our best friends Lindsay and Brandon Purdie representing all our friends (lots were out of town because of the holiday), and we had Aunt Sue, Uncle Mike and their kids plus Audrey and Eddy with Nico representing all our family. It was really special. Then at 5 p.m. we had a BBQ with lots of other friends and family. Tim served up hamburgers and hotdogs on his new grill, and we had a big ice cream cake to celebrate Tim's birthday, which was also on Sunday.

I took the special occation as an excuse to finally put up a picture of my two girls together. Congratulations to me! That could have taken months.

McKenna started to fuss a little right before Tim put her to the front for the blessing. I think we both got scared, but he must of turned on the magic because I did not hear a word from her.

I don't remember a ton from the blessing, but I do remember Tim blessing McKenna with the ability to quickly in her life feel the love of the people around her and then return that love to others so that through her they can come to know the love of Christ. I thought that was especially beautiful and exactly what I wish for my children.

Welcome to our family and our Church, angel baby McKenna!

A Few more pics of Averykens on her special day. More to come later.